Whats your favourite city in your country?

If you could recommend only one city in your country to a fellow traveller, which would it be?

I’ll start. I’m originally from Malaysia and my favourite city there is, without a doubt, Penang. I might be biased because I spent a lot of time there growing up, but it’s got such a nice energy to it. It’s the perfect blend of modernity and colonial charm, and there’s a rush there that just fills me with life whenever I go back.

I now live in the UK, and my favourite city here is probably Liverpool. It’s not as hectic as other big bustling metropolises like London, Manchester and Birmingham. It’s also very compact, which is perfect for avid walkers like myself. There are so many trendy pockets in and around the city, and I love that I can still discover something or somewhere new every time I go. It never gets old.


Author: sassy_sapodilla