My work requires me to travel around the world, have been doing that for about 10 years now, I still enjoy it (depends on the destination). However one thing that I have noticed in recent years is that mobile payment systems have made travelling more annoying. Before a Debit Card or Credit Card was more or less a universal form of payment, of course cash is king but until about 2018 card adoption around the world was getting better. Now however every country (especially Asia and Africa) seems to be switching to mobile payment systems that are closed to travellers and tourists requiring you to either look for a cash machine (and pay eye watering commission like 7USD in Thailand) or look for a place that accepts cards. At least in China Alipay sort of works now with foreign cards but vast majority of local mobile payment systems refuse foreign accounts or cards. So now instead of progressing standardisation we are have tens if not hundreds payment systems. I have recently started to encounter locations that refuse cash as well relying on mobile payments entirely which cuts you off from the experience completely . I wish there was one global mobile payment app.