Everything is gone

Hey guys,

I'm in trouble, and I don't really know what to do. A week ago I started my US trip, the plan was to travel as much as possible, unfortunately yesterday someone stole my bag, it was partly my fault because I was swimming just outside of Menard, I was waiting for my accommodation to be ready and within about a minute someone stole my bag, where I had everything, so I'm at a motel in Menard, which I have until Monday, a phone where I can't access Facebook or Whataspp or anything, one shirt, shorts and shoes, what the hell am I supposed to do? I can't get email because of two-factor authentication, I can't get to my bank because of two-factor authentication, I downloaded the Revolut app but can't confirm the transfer from my banking because I don't have a confirmation SMS from my number to log there.

I have already blocked my cards and phone so at least no one will steal anything.

I don't even have access to my return ticket, the lady at the motel at least gave me some food(god bless her), now to the question, what should I do?

I wrote an e-mail to my embassy, waitng for answer.

I guess I didn't mention I'm from Europe. Anyone have any advices on what to do? I'm sorry this is so messily written, but I'm lying here on my bed and my head is not working as it should.


Author: Adorable_Primary_116