Cities that never sleep which are busy from 10 pm-5 am?

What are some cities that are bustling from 10 pm - 5 am (midnight, early morning hours)? In other words, where you can easily find something to eat outside at street stalls, cafes, and supermarkets during times like midnight or 3 am.

It's because I'm a digital nomad who typically works night shifts with clients and employers on the other side of the world. Having to stock up on convenience store food at 8 pm and then heating everything up with a microwave isn't exactly fun.

I find that most cities around the world are sleeping from 12 am - 4 am, except for a few cities that genuinely never sleep, such as Cairo and certain parts of Singapore (Geylang and others).

EDIT: Please be sure to mention the specific neighborhoods or districts of the cities.

Author: Bandicootrat